The Steam Extravaganza comes to our village once a year, staying for the weekend, giving the locals a chance to peruse the vintage vehicles, stalls, re-enactments, traditional fun fair and even the Wall Of Death!

The Wall Of Death is very dear to us, as Ruby’s Great Grandad was a Wall and Globe Of Death rider for many years:

But our almost equally favourite thing is the merry-go-round. We could have stayed on it all day!

Looking through our photos the next day, we were inspired by the beautifully painted horses and brainstormed until we came up with…

Carousel Horse Name Plates

You will need:


PVA Glue


Pens and Paints

A piece of card (from a cereal box is ideal)

A piece of plain paper

Sticky tape

  • First, draw a horse’s head shape on your piece of card.
  • Cut it out and put to one side.
  • Tear up bits of newspaper and scrunch it in to balls. Fit these on to your head shape, taping in place with plenty of sticky tape. You need to cover the card entirely, so your head is now 2D, but keeping to the outline so you can still clearly see a horse’s head.
  • Tear or cut more strips of newspaper. Mix some PVA glue and a little water and cover the head with the strips completely. It doesn’t matter if the strips overlap, are stuck in different directions – just go mad!

  • Leave to dry overnight.
  • The next day, paint it with a coat of white paint and leave to dry again.
  • Once this is completely dry, pick your main colour you’d like for your horse. Ruby chose pink. Paint the head in your chosen colour.

  • While you are waiting for this to dry, you can plan your design on a piece of paper. Remember to include a sash round the bottom of the neck to paint your name on.

  • You are now ready to paint your design on to your head. Use whatever colours you like, you can even use pens to add fine detail once the paint is dry.
  • When you are finished, attach the head to your bedroom door using blu tac, glue dots or perhaps a double sided sticky tab – ask your grown up what would be best.

How did yours turn out?